Monday, September 27, 2010

Stuffed Pizza Rolls

They're like pizza....but more fun.

And you have to decide if that is worth it to you. On the particular day that I made the stuffed pizza rolls it wasn't worth it to me. It wound up being an emotional breakdown, and my kids didn't really think the pizza rolls were that fun. BUT that being said you could do it a lot easier than I did...I made my own roll dough, made my own sauce and had to chop up ham (which I somehow got ham instead of canadian bacon...?), plus I had PMS. But in the end they were delicious and "fun" and the options for different fillings/dipping sauces are endless.

* a good tip for pizza is that if you use a block of mozzerella instead of preshredded your cheese will melt better. Again, I only had shredded which made it a big fat mess : )

BUT They were delicious, Blaine loved them, and for Pete's Sake they were FUN!
Got this recipe from
Stuffed Pizza Rolls

1 roll refrigerated pizza dough (or make your own)

pizza sauce (or make your own)

2T grated parmesan cheese

1T olive oil or melted butter

1/2 t garlic powder

1t dried italian seasoning

mozzerella cheese

pizza toppings of your choice: ie, ham and pineapple, pepperoni, sausage, etc.

Preheat the oven to the heat specified on the pizza dough package (usually abt 400dgs).

Unroll your pizza dough onto a lightly floured surface. Pat or roll the dough so it is about 8". Cut the dough into about 24 squares with a pizza cutter (again, if I had a pizza cutter this thing would have been easier...just sayin).

Place cheese and desired toppings on each square (not the sauce!) are making dough ball things so you can dip them in the sauce later : ) Just place enough toppings on each square so you have enough dough left to make a ball. When all of your dough squares have cheese and toppings on, carefully lift up each sqaure and wrap the dough around the toppings. Pinch to make sure each ball is sealed shut and then place them seam side down in a lightly sprayed pie pan (or similar dish).

Brush the tops of the dough balls with olive oil or melted butter, then sprinkle with garlic and italian seasonings and top with parmesan cheese (or in lieu of all that you can use garlic bread seasoning).

Cook for 15-20 minutes until golden brown on top. You may want to check after 10 minutes since cooking times will vary!

Serve with your warm pizza sauce, and relish in how fun of a mom you are.

I am so fun. For the love, use refrigerated dough and a pizza slicer and a block of mozzerella, you will be happier : ) And maybe wait till you are not having PMS.

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